Finding Your Oasis. A Little Bit About a Lot: Ike Gai to Stoicism Part 4

Intrinsic rewards are sustainable. External rewards are not. Your boss gives you a ten percent raise. For a short time, you work harder, appreciative of her gesture. Soon, other conditions and contributors override the money, and you start to experience dissatisfaction. You apply for and get a job that uses your skills, while capturing your

Finding Your Oasis: A Little Bit About a Lot: Ike Gai to Stoicism Part 3

This connects to simple living and Buddhism. However, the concept of simple living is not exclusive to Buddhism, which stresses that we should live in harmony with nature. Ike Gai, while focused on identifying and living a life that revolves around our primary purpose, also inherently simplifies how we live. We do not live randomly.

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Finding Your Oasis. A Little Bit About a Lot: Ike Gai to Stoicism

Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked, in which you can walk with love and reverence. Henry David Thoreau: You may be at this point in your evolution because you are lost, wandering a highway without direction. Many people, as they approach old age, begin to panic, feeling that they will die without having achieved

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Is Your Life a Glass Half Full?

If you are like 58% of the 2,000 Americans in the Study Finds 2019 survey, you believe a glass with equal air and liquid actually is half full. According to popular belief, you must be an extrovert and an optimist. Only half is true. Half-full people, according to the survey, are indeed more extroverted than

Making It Personal

One of the biggest problems that keeps us from achieving what we want to achieve is finding a deeply personal reason to forge ahead. We may want to clean the house but cannot find the motivation. We may want to explore our interest in creative writing, but our self-confidence—or lack of it—tells us we are

How Valuable Is It to You?

When I was a child, I collected rocks. Other children in our community collected stamps or coins. Many collected hockey cards from bubble gum packages. These were very valuable collections. Then, in my early teens, I switched to collecting leaves of plants. My friend began collecting pictures of nature with his $3 Brownie box camera.

Finding Your Own Oasis

On a recent trip to Morocco, we signed up for a multi-day excursion to the western Sahara Desert. Aside from dunes and camels, we hoped to see an actual oasis in the desert. We did not. However, since there are only an estimated 90 true year-round oases in this vast expanse, the chances were slim,

Why Am I Not Truly Content and What Can I Do About It?

According to the World Health Organization ( ), 4.4% of the world’s population suffers from depression. The world’s happiest country, Finland, has a rate of 5.6%, or 27% higher than the global average. United States sees 5.9% of its citizens suffering from depression, or 34% over the average, while Canada sits at 4.7% (2% over).