Chapter 8: Recipes Beet & Miner’s Lettuce Salad Ingredients 2 cups washed miner’s lettuce leaves 1 cup coarsely diced cooked or pickled beets 1 cup mixed citrus fruit, chopped into quarter-sized pieces ½ cup plain or flavored yogurt ½ teaspoon cinnamon 1 tablespoon cane sugar 2 tablespoons vinaigrette dressing Method Mix all ingredients except cinnamon
Biofuels is an encompassing term that describes a multitude of fuels produced from biological sources. They include biomass (everything from wood materials to straw to manures), biodiesel (transesterified oilseeds, algae, oils from palm, etc. and fats), ethanol (produced from barleys, wheat and corn, among others), and biogases (methanes from oilseeds, manures, grasses, etc.). Biofuel production