In the December, 2020 issue of National Geographic, an article titled, “Celebrating in the Pandemic,” by Anne Lamott, embraces the concept of celebrating the “holy” found in small graces and blessings, rather than waiting for the mighty and spectacular. She advocates that the small and seemingly insignificant are the holy events and items worth celebrating.
Gratitude makes everyday occurrences, which really are not everyday, commonplace things, worthy.
In this website, we have presented a stage for people who seek the truth behind seemingly conspiratorial events, the rationale behind what seems unfair. It may sound like pessimism, but it really is demanding that we be considered worthy of honesty from those that hold sway and power over many of us. In demanding that truth, we may sound negative and ungrateful. Yet, that is not the intent. The intent is to explore the deepest reaches, or even those on the surface that challenge us. Then we can demand justice and fairness.
On the other hand, when we appreciate those things that have graced our lives, we can withstand the onslaught of injustice, and rise up against it more effectively, and with heart.
“Savour” wants you to tell others about the things which you find “holy, or healthy and complete. There are no limits on the topics or comments, so long as they are respectful and polite.
Several decades ago, a small feature on a local western Canada radio show was called “Beefs and Bouquets.” People called in to express a particular bit of gratitude or to articulate a complaint. By a three-to-one margin, there were more complaints, but the host kept everything in perspective, allowing that the beefs often were transient, the bouquets more enduring.
We want you to express both, one on the “Truth” web page, the other on this “Savour” web page. And we want you to savour the value in both. Tell us, and the world, what holy thing has enlightened you, and brought joy. A hummingbird? A scientific breakthrough? An honest politician? A thief with a heart? Your grandchild? The list is limitless. Hopefully, too, the joy you will feel at reading the comments and posts will be holy fore you, as well.
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