Intrinsic rewards are sustainable. External rewards are not. Your boss gives you a ten percent raise. For a short time, you work harder, appreciative of her gesture. Soon, other conditions and contributors override the money, and you start to experience dissatisfaction. You apply for and get a job that uses your skills, while capturing your
Finding Your Oasis: A Little Bit About a Lot: Ike Gai to Stoicism Part 3
This connects to simple living and Buddhism. However, the concept of simple living is not exclusive to Buddhism, which stresses that we should live in harmony with nature. Ike Gai, while focused on identifying and living a life that revolves around our primary purpose, also inherently simplifies how we live. We do not live randomly.
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A Little Bit About a Lot: Ike Gai to Stoicism, Part 2
This first step also is the most involved and largest of the eight steps. Like building a house, the foundation has to be the most solid part of your home, because everything else rests upon it. This first step is foundational. So how do you identify your purpose? How do you decide if your purpose
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A Stoic Life
A Stoic Life Understand the Wisdom of Stoic Philosophy and How You Can Incorporate It into Your Life Introduction When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive—to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.–Marcus Aurelius, circa 330 BC. For those who strive each day to rise