Intrinsic rewards are sustainable. External rewards are not. Your boss gives you a ten percent raise. For a short time, you work harder, appreciative of her gesture. Soon, other conditions and contributors override the money, and you start to experience dissatisfaction. You apply for and get a job that uses your skills, while capturing your
Finding Your Oasis. A Little Bit About a Lot: Ike Gai to Stoicism
Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked, in which you can walk with love and reverence. Henry David Thoreau: You may be at this point in your evolution because you are lost, wandering a highway without direction. Many people, as they approach old age, begin to panic, feeling that they will die without having achieved
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Even the Rich Can Lead a Simple Life
Simple living and meagre lifestyles are not synonymous. Neither are living a rich life and being rich financially. Simple living is merely a matter of definitive focus and choosing what you find to be valuable. It is a process of decluttering the unimportant from the significant. A year or so ago, I contracted to ghostwrite
Change Your Perspective, Change Your Life
Often, people look at major changes to their lives and balk at the perceived challenge of change. Many see simple living the same way they see the New Year’s commitment to a diet regimen. It is this perspective that imposes artificial barriers. Seeing simplicity as an opportunity, rather than a challenge, changes the approach from
The Simple Life: How To Live A High Life On A Low Budget
This is an excerpt from the book, “The Last Drop of Living: Finding Your Oasis,” available on Amazon. The concept of Voluntary Simplicity has many aliases: Living Simply, Minimalism, Frugal Living, or even De-cluttering. In fact, the concept has so many alternative names simply because it is so subjectively defined that no one name can